Living in the Shadows: A Glimpse into the mind of Complex Trauma
As the sun rises, casting its warm glow upon the world, she awakens to a day that holds both hope and trepidation. This is the life of someone who suffers from complex trauma, a survivor of long-term narcissistic abuse. From the outside, she may appear like any other person, but within the depths of her mind, a storm rages, leaving scars that run deeper than the eye can see.

Unveiling the Shadows: Detaching from Energy Vampires to Reclaim your Light.
Today, I share my story, for it is time to expose the truth and reclaim the light that was once mine. In the realm of relationships, I believed love would always be a beacon of warmth and understanding. But little did I know that some souls disguise themselves as angels, only to reveal their true nature as energy vampires.