Exploring the Connection Between Autoimmune Disorders in Women and Trauma
In my latest blog post, I share my personal story alongside evidence-based insights that illuminate how our past experiences can shape our health. I truly believe that by understanding and addressing our trauma, we can pave the way for deeper healing and empowerment.
If you’re a woman navigating the complexities of autoimmune challenges and seeking holistic approaches to reclaim your health, I invite you to join me on this journey. Let’s explore together and support one another in our healing.

Healing Through Mirror Work: Breaking the Trauma Response of Fawning and Reconnecting with Your Authentic Self
Mirror work is a powerful tool for healing and self-discovery, especially for those who struggle with people-pleasing behaviours rooted in trauma responses such as fawning. Fawning is a survival response to trauma where individuals prioritise the needs and desires of others over their own in order to seek safety and approval. This often leads to a loss of self-identity and a disconnect from one's true essence. By incorporating mirror work into your healing journey, you can begin to unravel the patterns of people-pleasing and reclaim your power by reconnecting with your self-identity and higher self.

Navigating Trauma Responses and Chronic Stress: A Guide to Self-Healing and Moving Forward
In our journey through life, we inevitably encounter experiences that leave lasting imprints on our minds, bodies, and spirits. Trauma responses and chronic stress are common manifestations of these experiences, often stemming from past traumatic events that continue to influence our present-day lives. Whether it's a single traumatic incident or a prolonged period of stress, these experiences can leave us feeling overwhelmed, triggered, and stuck in patterns of suffering.

Embracing Boundaries and Healing from Trauma
In the sacred space of healing, where vulnerability meets courage, we embark on a journey of self-discovery and transformation. It's a journey fraught with challenges and triumphs, where the echoes of our past traumas reverberate through every step we take. Today, let us explore the intricate dance of setting boundaries for self-preservation, woven with threads of people-pleasing and the relentless pursuit of healing.

Navigating Narcissistic Relationships: Recognising the Signs
Navigating relationships can be a complex and sometimes challenging journey. However, when it comes to relationships with narcissists, the dynamics can become even more intricate and potentially harmful. In this blog, we will explore the topic of narcissistic relationships, focusing on recognising the signs that indicate you may be in such a relationship.

Living in the Shadows: A Glimpse into the mind of Complex Trauma
As the sun rises, casting its warm glow upon the world, she awakens to a day that holds both hope and trepidation. This is the life of someone who suffers from complex trauma, a survivor of long-term narcissistic abuse. From the outside, she may appear like any other person, but within the depths of her mind, a storm rages, leaving scars that run deeper than the eye can see.

Unveiling the Shadows: Detaching from Energy Vampires to Reclaim your Light.
Today, I share my story, for it is time to expose the truth and reclaim the light that was once mine. In the realm of relationships, I believed love would always be a beacon of warmth and understanding. But little did I know that some souls disguise themselves as angels, only to reveal their true nature as energy vampires.

The Paradox of Love and Hate: exploring conflicting emotions within ourselves.
Someone once asked me if it's possible to experience both love and hate towards a person simultaneously. In response, I urged them to reflect upon themselves and consider when was the last time they truly valued their own worth.