Healing Through Mirror Work: Breaking the Trauma Response of Fawning and Reconnecting with Your Authentic Self
Mirror work is a powerful tool for healing and self-discovery, especially for those who struggle with people-pleasing behaviours rooted in trauma responses such as fawning. Fawning is a survival response to trauma where individuals prioritise the needs and desires of others over their own in order to seek safety and approval. This often leads to a loss of self-identity and a disconnect from one's true essence. By incorporating mirror work into your healing journey, you can begin to unravel the patterns of people-pleasing and reclaim your power by reconnecting with your self-identity and higher self.

Unveiling the Shadows: Detaching from Energy Vampires to Reclaim your Light.
Today, I share my story, for it is time to expose the truth and reclaim the light that was once mine. In the realm of relationships, I believed love would always be a beacon of warmth and understanding. But little did I know that some souls disguise themselves as angels, only to reveal their true nature as energy vampires.